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Check out our full lineup of yoga accessories to help you with your daily meditation practice and fitness goals...
Try our new Cork Yoga Brick for soft but solid support
Check out our full lineup of yoga accessories to help you with your daily meditation practice and fitness goals...
by Marko H. Wittich March 25, 2019 4 min read 0 Comments
Raw chicken feet are often available in farmers markets, butcher shops, and sometimes in the meat department of grocery stores. If you are not into raw feeding, go for dehydrated chicken feet instead. The advantage of dried chicken feet over fresh feet is that they are easier to handle and store. The crunchy texture of dehydrated chicken feet also offers more powerful cleaning effects for the teeth.
When buying dehydrated chicken feet, we strongly advise against chicken feet imported from China. While they may be a few cents cheaper than local chicken feet, various pet food recalls over the last few years, especially of chicken products from China, indicate that no effective quality control measures have been implemented yet.
All-Natural Dehydrated Chicken Feet
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